Kishi Bashi

Responsive website for friend and musician Kishi Bashi who shares his Joyful Noise label with such luminaries as Dinosaur Jr., of Montreal (who he has played/toured/recorded with on occasion), Joan Of Arc, Don Caballero...

Kishi Bashi website home

Kishi Bashi website comments

I dig the freaky deaky color pallet. Reminds me of the tropical flavored Now And Laters I used to sneak to the 7-11 to buy with the quarters I’d scraped together as a kid. Seems to fit the music pretty well to my mind. Visit the website.

A Kishi Bashi Christmas

A Kishi Bashi Christmas

A Kishi Bashi Christmas

Have a look and a listen (and a free mp3 and re-brandable source material for the app) to the Wildli Marketing Supply / Kishi Bashi Christmas parallax app here.